
Welcome To My World

K, so for all of my wonderful friends, with blogs, that I haven't talked to in a while... you may have a few questions... no, I'm not married. No, I'm not engaged either. Nope, no kids, and no I... have no pets. Hahaha... Jeepers! What on Earth am I writing a blog for then??? Aren't these for updating everyone on my newlywed life or baby's first steps or at least look at my dog's new outfit? What am I going to tell everyone that might be somewhat interesting... that has coordinating pictures? Welllll, let me tell you! Facebook is so limiting! lol! Apparently, there are those who would like to be updated on 'How My World Turns'. I have been told that my life is actually very interesting. I know it is to me, but you can decide for yourself if it is to you. :o) It might be fun to have an online Journal of my thoughts and what's going on because, after all, pictures can only say so much. So, here's the deal, I'm not going to fill you in on the past much because really, I think we've all heard plenty of it, and I'll fill in pertinent information, for those of you who may not know, but this is just from today forward... well, maybe I'll write about yesterday, just cuz it was super fun and I have pictures! :o) Not that I know how to post them yet, but that's part of it right? Also, this might be really good for me. I am noticing that, in writing the way I speak, I sure have a lot of run-on sentences! So... welcome to my world (don't you love that song... by Dean Martin), and enjoy the ride!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah!!! Im so happy you made a blog! I cant wait to see your lovely life as if I was there. I wanted to call you the other day so bad.I missed you so much. I wanted my cha-wee-wee. Can I just say that I am so proud of you. And you know why. Mwah!
