
A Dream Come True

I have really awesome dreams. They are often like movies, with vivid colors and plots. I frequently write them down or do something so I remember them. Usually, it stays in that form forever, just in my mind, as far as what I actually saw. About a month ago, I had a dream that didn't stay just a dream. It wasn't one of the more exciting ones, nor was it particular interesting except for what came from it.I was in a quaint little country town, going about quaint little country town activities, when I happened to pass by someone I know as I was driving along in an old blue pick-up truck. In real life this is a person I worked with many many years ago, and he is now a pilot. He is tall, slender, nice-looking, and always has an army style haircut. Maybe that's why he was in the dream. In it he was a soldier who had just returned from war. He was dressed in his military greens and was leaning against a low fence, with his big duffel bag on the ground next to him. I recognized him when I passed him, was surprised to see him, and doubled back to greet him. I asked him if he'd like to go to lunch, figuring he must be hungry, and it'd be a great chance for us to catch up. We went to a diner that was filled with people who looked like they were stopping in to eat while on a cross country motorcycle ride. They wore leather and had long scraggly hair. They were pleased to have a soldier in their midst and there was no shortage of lively conversation. When the waitress brought our food I asked her if she would take my card, as it was all I was carrying, and she said no, they only took cash. It was then that the bikers got strangely excited , seeming to know something was coming that we didn't. One of them said he'd take care of it, and conversation continued. When we were finished eating it came time to pay and that biker was nowhere to be found. The owner came over and told us that at their restaurant they had an unusual way for people unable to pay to make it even. They owned an art gallery and would have anyone, unable to pay, paint for it and they would keep any monies made if it was sold. This enabled them to get many different skill levels, styles, and ideas  into the gallery for profit alone. They were excited to see what the soldier would paint after all he had seen. And as an added plus to the establishment there was to be a contest later that same day that was expected to draw many people to come see and buy the paintings. What perfect timing. So, we got to work painting and the contest was held. Shockingly to me, my painting won! I was surprised because it didn't seem to me like it was any great feat at all, simple to see, but meaningful to me. I had expounded to the judges the symbolism and that is why it was selected. I was pleased with it and wanted to keep it for myself. They told me I could not have it, that it was their property and so I devised that I would study it carefully and paint another for myself. In my dream I was scrutinizing it, trying to remember every detail. It was on paper that was a brownish-yellow and in the center was a profile of a woman's head. That was divided in half by color, white in back to symbolize the purity of mind and thought, navy blue in front to symbolize integrity toward the world. From both sides were wisps of that blue reaching toward her, to represent the integrity of the world that she was receiving... the honesty and goodness in everyone else. Below was a white pyramid facing so that it appeared almost to be a square with an X in the middle, but turned just enough that a purple triangle could be seen on one side. It represented the climb to pure knowledge and the process of it. Next to it was a Chinese proverb about courage. Below it, reaching across the length of the bottom was a triangle composed of separate triangles of every color in the rainbow pointing upward. That, by color, indicated each part of the person. Red for the physical body- the care given to make it strong and work to the best of it's ability. Orange for caring for others- giving life through your own. Yellow for the power within you- power to make yourself everything you truly are. Green for the heart- for the love going out of your own and coming in from others. Blue for the voice- for the truth you speak toward yourself and others. Purple for the relationship to God- for the pure connection to Deity and the knowledge and power given from Him. Again the triangle indicating the process of it and ending in the unification of all of them as being what is portrayed above, courage, pure knowledge, integrity, ect. I studied it all carefully, memorizing every detail. Then I woke up. Having just memorized it, I sketched it and wrote what everything symbolized. I couldn't remember the exact proverb though. The following day I painted it, and found a quote that seemed to have the same feeling as the one in my dream. On the painting it is translated to Gaelic because I liked the look of it. It says, "Courage is the Power to leave familiar things". So here it is, a dream come true, to have, keep, and remember.


  1. This is fascinating. I like the meaning your dream gave to the various colors. The symbols are rich. I especially like the "wisps of that blue reaching toward her, to represent the integrity of the world that she was receiving... the honesty and goodness in everyone else."
